.. role:: raw-html-m2r(raw) :format: html Deployment Guide ================ .. raw:: html

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PROVEE - PROgressiVe Explainable Embeddings

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Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), and their resulting **latent or embedding data spaces, are key to analyzing big data** in various domains such as vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing (NLP). However, embedding spaces are high-dimensional and abstract, thus not directly understandable. We aim to develop a software framework to visually explore and explain how embeddings relate to the actual data fed to the DNN. This enables both DNN developers and end-users to understand the currently black-box working of DNNs, leading to better-engineered networks, and explainable, transparent DNN systems whose behavior can be trusted by their end-users. Our central aim is to open DNN black-boxes, making complex data understandable for data science novices, and raising trust/transparency are core topics in VA and NLP research. PROVEE will advertise and apply VA in a wider scope with impact across sciences (medicine, engineering, biology, physics) where researchers use big data and deep learning.

📝 Table of Contents -------------------- * `Deployment Guide <#guide>`_ * `Hardware <#hardware>`_ * `Software <#software>`_ 🧐 Deployment Guide :raw-html-m2r:`` -------------------------------------------------------------- empty for now 🧰 Hardware Requirements :raw-html-m2r:`` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- empty for now 💾 Software Requirements :raw-html-m2r:`` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- empty for now